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求英语翻译:我要去办理一张银行卡。 办理用哪个词翻译比较好


求英语翻译:我要去办理一张银行卡。 办理用哪个词翻译比较好

英语中,办理银行卡就是开户,就是open an account, 办卡也可以说,open a bank card。办理,并没有直接对应的单词。望采纳。


是SIM卡,还是给手机充值的卡? SIM卡的话,就是 phone card,如果是充值的话,就是pre-paid phone card, 课堂翻译的话用need 吧,老师那容易过关,如果是在要买东西的情况下,用want才是外国人表达的方式,I want a (pre-paid) phone card.


Excuse me?

May I apply for a credit card?

The gift is for you.

open a account

account that  can't be overdrawn

英文翻译 我需要什么材料

How do I get a bank debit card?

What ID do I need for a bank debit card?

debit card = 取款卡

credit card = 信用卡

关于我需要一张信用卡翻译和我需要一张信用卡翻译成英语的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?

...请填写这张表并签名。请将你们的护照准备好。 翻译英语
I'll help you check-in. Please fill out this form and sign your name. Please put your passport ready.

请把电脑抬到那边的桌子上,用英文翻译 Please put the puter on the table over there!请直接到接待处订票用英文翻译怎么说 Give me a ticket to here, please 请给我一张去这里的机票 (退房时间是12:00请到前台办理)英文翻译,求大家帮帮忙,谢谢 Check out time is 12:00 at the ...

我需要提前多长时间去办理签证?How long should I apply for the visa in advance?我的签证类型是旅游签证,我于1月24日到达详细 xx,My passport is a tourist one and I arrived at XX on January 24th.我是否需要回到xx办理签证延期?在XX可以办理么?Do I need to return to xx to apply ...

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我要去医院检查一下 英语翻译的翻译是:什么意思
"我要去医院检查一下"翻译为:I'm going to the hospital for a check.

2.我要办理信用卡挂失并取消那张卡。I'd like to report the loss of my credit card and cancel it.3.是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片? Can I have a card with the hotel's address? 4.这家工厂工人按小时计酬,办公职员(人员)按月领薪。The worker in this factory is paid by the hour and the...

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句子通常要倒装;若主语为人称代词,则不倒装。注意此时往往用一般现在时。1、Here's a man who has brutalized his own people 这是一个残暴对待自己的人民的人。2、Here's a way of barbecuing corn-on-the-cob that I learned in the States.这是我在美国学的一种烤玉米的方法。

i am going to a place where i can show my versatality.

because i temporarily must go to attent a text.once it finished ,i will rush to airport.sorry for that ,i may be late for around 1 hour

