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答:信用卡是贷记卡,可透支,先消费后还款。信用卡主要是先消费后还款,用银行的资金提前消费,享受免息期,这是一种理财方式。 信用卡可以作为支付工具,通过商家安装的刷卡POS机或者网上支付平台,可以直接消费。 银行还会给提供各种形式的积分、打折、分期、抽奖、促销等活动。

答:可不可以刷信用卡英语怎么说 不要用brush,中文刷卡,英文说成brush the credit card以为你是在清洁你的信用卡呢。说May I use my credit card?就可以。我们常说的信用卡消费"刷卡"英语怎么表达 paybycard 下面是实例 AGoodmorning!I’dliketocheckout,please.A早上好!我想结帐,办理退房手续。B...

答:Credit cards are the no-fuss cash alternative. They're also a helpful tool when it comes to emergencies.But the advantages of credit cards go far beyond mere convenience.Getting the most from your credit card Use it to stay on top of things.Your credit card can help you keep ...

答:有道词典结果 credit card repayment 网络释义 Credit card payment 短语 信用卡还款日 Due date 信用卡代还款 ENGINEERING CASE

答:As mentioned in an early article, there are two types of credit cards: secured and unsecured. This article will explore some of the issues of secured credit cards.What is a secured credit card?A secured card is a credit card that requires you to deposit a certain amount of ...

答:2. 信用卡英语:Credit Card),又叫贷记卡。是一种非现金交易付款的方式,是简单的信贷服务。3. 信用卡一般是长85.60毫米、宽53.98毫米、厚1毫米的具有消费信用的特制载体塑料卡片。是银行向个人和单位发行的,凭此向特约单位购物、消费和向银行存取现金,其形式是一张正面印有发卡银行名称、有效...

求一篇英语作文。题目是 (信用卡的利与弊) 要翻译
答:如今,信用卡消费已成为时下人们的生活习惯。的确,信用卡给消费者带来诸多的方便。但是也有人表示,信用卡并非传说中的那样安全,其弊端也有种种。使用信用卡的利与弊有哪些呢?Now, the credit card consumption has become a popular lifestyle. Indeed, the credit card to bring a lot of ...

答:信用卡的使用看法英语作文120字 Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scence, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the "live now, pay later" syndrome. Because credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods ...

答:(1)When you apply for a credit card, you usually don't need to say anything. Usually, you just fill out a form and send it in. But in case you need to speak with someone, you can ask the following questions:'What is the interest rate of the credit card?''What will ...

答:Credit cards have had bad press over the past few months of the credit crunch they only cause more debt and have unfair rates of interest. . However, if a credit card is used in the correct way and you keep up with your payments, they can be very valuable in many aspects....
