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答:一分钟英语口语自我介绍 篇1 Everybody is good! My name is han mei, 11 years old this year, WanZaiXian recreation town in the third primary school. You want to know about me? Next, I will introduce myself to you. I, do not look beautiful, oval face, a pair of not quite not sma...

答:1. What are you trying to say?你到底想说什么?2. Don't be silly. 别胡闹了。3. How strong are your glasses?你近视多少度?4. Just because.没有别的原因。5. It isn't the way I hoped it would be. 不是我所盼望的。6. You will never guess. 你永远猜不到。7. No one ...

答:1分钟英语口语自我介绍范文篇1 Good morning teachers and classmates,i'm glad to be here for self-introdution.My name is ** and i come from grade seven class ** .I have a family of four,my mother ,farther ,brother and me.we are getting along with each other ,i usually hel...

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译 英语口语演讲小短文精选
答:一分钟励志英语演讲稿范文 You are Absolutely Unique Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.You were meant to be differe...

答:I believe that everyone should cultivate the habit of reading, and explore the wonderful world of books.总的来说,阅读是我生活中不可或缺的一部分。它给我带来了快乐、知识和灵感。我相信每个人都应该养成阅读的习惯,探索书籍的美妙世界。Thank you for listening.谢谢大家的聆听。

答:8. Is that a book? 那是一本书吗?9. No,it isn’t. 不,不是。10. It’s a pencil. 那是一枝铅笔。11. Is it yours? 它是你的吗?12. Yes,it’s mine. 是,是我的。13. Where’s the door? 门在哪儿?2.提高英语口语的方法 一、模仿。怎样提高自己英语口语的有效方式第一步就...

答:BEC商务英语素材积累不是短时间内就可以完成的,需要每天不断的积累才可以,今天带给大家的是一些高级口语素材,可以在进行商务谈判或者商务英语考试的时候使用,大家赶快学习起来吧。1.鼓励或者美好的愿望 If you wantto be a success in business you must be aggressive.如果你想在生意上获得成功,你...

答:1.日常英语口语900句摘抄 1. What do you want? 你想要些什么?2. I want a cup of coffee. 我想来杯咖啡。3. What would you like to eat? 你想吃些什么?4. Please give me a piece of pie.请给我来片馅饼。5. Which one would you like--this one or that one?你想要哪一个?这...

答:英语口语常用120个句型汇总 1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧。 8. Hold on. 等一等。 9. I agree。 我同意。 10. Not bad. 还不错。 11. Not yet. 还没。 12....

答:想要学好英语口语的第一步,就会要敢于开口说英语,大声的朗读英语。千万不要觉得朗读英语没有用处,朗读英语一方面有利于自己有意识的纠正自己得发音,一边还能培养语调。你也可以在网站上寻找外国英语素材,学习他们的发音与语调,掌握英语朗读的技巧。2、多种渠道学英语 学习英语并不是只有靠自己靠书本,...
